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Social Media Stars

we feature interviews from local social media influencers that want to share their industry's insights and stories!

Katerina Andreou
To end up at a visibility level where new clients and business come to me and my business development strategy is less aggressive and necessary.
Michalis Pekris
I want to share information that truly has value to all my connections. Also I want to connect with people that they are better than me. I like learning from them!
Sotiris Kambanellas
Stay relevant and focus on the content I publish, promote and foster networking opportunities for the local and international Shipping Market as well as notable initiatives.
Anastasia Nikoloudi
I would like to leave my mark regarding the cause I truly care about. Besides that, I would like to inspire people to live a happier life, women to be more self-confident and...
Christopher Nichols
My social media strategy is to reach as many people over as many social media platforms possible. My goal is to inspire as many people as I can in this lifetime and help them...